Taeyeon - Girls' Generation SNSD

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Minggu, 08 November 2009

My Friends

Hello Friends how are you I hope you not sick. Ok I want to leave a story at my blog. Hmmm..... I have Two friends they are Kak Cipa and Kak Dias Nuryamsi. Kak Cipa have a site, the name is http://kakcipa.blogspot.com Kak Dias Nuryamsi have a site too, the name is http://dias15.blogspot.com Ok, if you want to be my friends, come to my site at .. . . . . http://monikayudesta.blogspot.com OK friend good bye see you later bye. . . . .

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2 komentar:

  1. Monik pinter Bahasa Inggris ya!!
    siapa yang ngajarin Monik?

  2. Monik juga dapet award dari kakcipa, award kayak Dias yang dari kakcipa itu, yang gambarnya burung garuda, diterima yaa!


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